Plean in Bloom

Plean in Bloom

Many people in the village asked us if there was something we could do to make the village look brighter and greener. Hanging baskets and tub planters were suggested and that’s exactly what we did!

Plean in Bloom is a subcommittee of Plean’s Voice and we have 9 members – we keep in touch via a Whatsapp group.

We now have over 60 hanging baskets on display throughout the summer and 15 tubs in place all year round. We have discovered several horticultural experts among us and we expect the variety and impact factor to get even better as we go on.

In the face of council budget cuts Plean’s Voice has been asked to take on the management of our war memorial and we are working hard at providing something that offers an uplifting appearance that reflects our gratitude to our fallen.

By far the hardest aspect of the floral displays is keeping them watered during the hot weather. We have a rota – based on the Whatsapp group and the bigger the group becomes the easier it will be for everyone taking part. Even if you are only able to help once or twice over the summer that will help. Being on the Whatsapp group will mean that you will know when there is a gap in the rota and your help would be most needed.

It has been wonderful to hear all the positive comments from the village, and beyond, and the help we have received has been fantastic. Three local businesses in particular have provided invaluable help with equipment and plants, we would like to specifically thank:

Old Plean Roofing, Realm Engineering and Torwood Garden Centre; we would also like to thank Stirling Council Land Services for their support.